August 2023 | Envirostall: Protecting Horses and the Environment
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Envirostall: Protecting Horses and the Environment

August 2023

Envirostall is a multi-layered, patented system that organically cleans horse stalls using EPA-approved microbes. Envirostall provides your horse with a clean, sanitary stall by eliminating contaminates created by wet manure that cause thrush, respiratory problems, and other health issues. This reduces the cost of horse ownership by decreasing your need for bedding, labor, veterinary services, and waste disposal.

Envirostall uses bioremediation, a natural process where ecologically-safe microbes clean the stall by eating harmful contaminants created by horse urine. Only Envirostall has these microbes, which were specifically formulated for use in the equine industry. The urine in the stall activates the microbes to start digesting the contaminants.

Envirostall eliminates moisture and the need to clean stalls as often. It also eliminates the urea that causes the ammonia odor that affects the nasal passages, trachea, and lungs of horses and humans. As long as you keep a horse in the stall, Envirostall’s tiny microbes will be working to clean and neutralize impurities from your stall.

This natural process of Envirostall also helps the environment by changing the urine into safe water and harmless gases, which flow back into the soil. By removing the impurities from horse urine before it enters the ecosystem, Envirostall prevents nitrogen, phosphates and carbon from being released into the environment. This reduces runoff into waterways and the production of nitrous oxide, which adds greenhouse gases to the earth’s atmosphere.

Envirostall also provides overall comfort for your horse by using anti-fatigue matting to reduce stress on the horse’s shoulders and legs. It allows the horse to relax in the stall and prevents hock sores when lying down.

So, if you are ready to spend more time enjoying your horses instead of working for them, it’s time to look into Envirostall. For information, contact Ron Vrana at 412-298-6850 or