April 2021 | Preparation is Key with Franklin-Williams
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Preparation is Key with Franklin-Williams

April 2021

At the Franklin-Williams company, the details are in the bandages. For over 20 years, manufacturing and producing quality large animal veterinary bandages has been Franklin-Williams’ target; it is their only business and therefore they devote all of their energy to maintaining the best possible product, service, and reliability.

Although primarily used in equine veterinary practices and clinics, Franklin-Williams bandages and kits are something any transporter does not want to leave home without. Despite all of the necessary precautions, trailering injuries are bound to happen. Be prepared for the worst with an EquiWrap Trauma Kit.

Working closely with equine veterinarians, Franklin-Williams created a low-cost kit to provide horse owners a means to treat leg injuries when their veterinarian is not available, such as with transport. The key is simplicity; other kits may try to provide for everything but lack the quantities needed to treat an injury in full. The EquiWrap Trauma Kit is intended only for equine leg lacerations and delivers a generous amount of high quality, effective bandages. The instructions are plainly written, illustrated, and bilingual. When a horse is in trouble, there is no time to waste. Choose a bandage that quickly does what it’s designed to do, without any fuss.

Other products include the SteriRoll, RediRoll, and CombiRoll, all available in widths from eight to eighteen inch. Specific bandaging problems or requests are welcome…if the solution is not at Franklin-Williams, the helpful support staff will refer clients to another source for assistance.

Located in Kentucky, Franklin-Williams products are delivered mainly throughout North America, with additional exports to Asia, Europe, and Latin America. For more information, call 1 (800) 556-5517 or visit online at www.franklinwilliams.com.