July/August 2024 | Handle Any Manure with a Conestoga Spreader
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Handle Any Manure with a Conestoga Spreader

By Jeb Fregm, Sales & Marketing Manager - July/August 2024

All Conestoga Manure Spreaders come equipped with Stainless Steel Apron Chains and a Lifetime Guarantee on each apron chain. Our apron chains will not rust through. The chain is the part of the spreader that’s always under pressure, unable to breathe beneath the manure, and pushing it back for the beaters. We’ve found it’s important to make our chains high quality, so they last longer and keep you spreading instead of replacing rusted parts.

Our spreaders are designed to handle whatever type of manure you want to spread. You can spread any manure with our spreaders, as well as the bedding you may use such as chips and straw bits. Our spreaders will spread chicken, pig, cow, and horse manure with no issue. You will find that our spreaders are versatile and built to help you take care of all your spreading needs, with quality in mind and user-friendly features. We also offer a variety of options to fit the spreader to your specific preference, with a fine spread pan, endgate, spray in liner, and wheel jack.

For more information visit conestogamanurespreaders.com or call (855) 822-1976.