October 2024 Issue

EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN October 2024 Page 19 By Casey McCoy, Hawthorne Products Once considered a “stable secret” by many top trainers, our award-winning products are now available to anyone who cares for their horses. Hawthorne Products, made from the pur- est, natural ingredients, can be used before racing, competing, and eventing. Through rigorous scientific research, we have helped horse enthusiasts avoid the disappointment and frustra- tion of discovering a lame, sick, or ailing horse upon arriving at the barn. Our goal is to assist in providing optimum care for all horses, enhancing their per- formance and improving their quality of life well into their senior years. To achieve this, we offer a wide range of treatment potencies tailored to the severity of the ailment—from pain relief Autumn is upon us, cooler nights and morning mists blanket the landscape with the promise of sunny days ahead. Now is the perfect time to follow the check list below, for your horses’ fall/ winter healthcare plan and for pasture maintenance. Fall Checklist:  Examine pastures for any downed branches or compromised fencing. Walk the pastures to eval- uate pasture health and check for any toxic plants. Sugars in grass increase at this time; make sure to use caution with laminitis-prone or potentially insulin resistant horses  Discuss a winter hoof care plan with your farrier  Fall may bring as much mud as spring; monitor skin con- ditions, like scratches, and hoof conditions such as thrush  Work with your veterinar- ian to schedule your horse's fall vaccines. Some diseases are more likely at a specific time of year, and your veterinarian can tailor your horse's vaccine protocol to mitigate these risks.  Ask your veterinarian if they recommend any fall blood- work for your horse, especially for senior horses  Discuss any upcoming medication needs, whether your horse is spending the winter competing or resting.  Schedule a dental check before winter, especially for senior horses.  Assess weight, solidify your nutrition plan and load up on hay.  Have an intestinal parasite screening performed to guide your fall deworming protocol. It is generally a good time to deworm when temperatures drop for the winter, and knowing which de-wormer to choose and when to give it is critical. For more information con- tact Quakertown Veterinary Clin- ic – Equine Hospital – 24/7/365 --Tel 215 536-2726. Fall Checklist from Quakertown Veterinary Clinic Hawthorne Products and Education for Optimal Equine Health (Continued on page 22)