October 2020 Issue
Page 14 October 2020 EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN What is White line disease? It’s an infection caused by fungi and/or bacteria that destroys tissue connection (laminae) inside the hoof. Entering the hoof via a nail- hole or crack, the organisms erode the laminae that stabilizes the hoof’s vital coffin bone. Once de- Treat White Line Disease with Banixx graded, the hoof will disintegrate from the inside out and require critical, professional care. What does it look like? The disease is named for the powdery, white residue that is seen when you trim an affected hoof. It does not affect the hoof’s exterior. Instead, it attacks the vital internal hoof tissue. The pathogens that create White Line Disease are anaero- bic, meaning they thrive without oxygen. That makes the interior of a horse hoof the perfect place for them to flourish. But, here’s the rub, you can’t see the infection. Then, how is it treated? Early detection is key to success- ful management of White Line Disease and must begin with a hoof X-ray. This provides infor- mation on how deep the infection is and the state of the hoof’s structural integrity. In minor cases, the infection may be dug out using special- ty farrier tools. A less invasive process of drilling access holes has afforded some success too. But more advanced cases may require removal of infected hoof to expose the disease’s anaerobic pathogens to oxygen, and thus kill them. Removing large areas of the hoof wall compromises its integrity and results in a special custom shoe. Jeffers Insurance Agency, Red Lion, York County PA, has 50+ years of combined knowl- edge of farm insurance. Notic- ing a widespread need for farm protection, owner Walt Jeffers developed comprehensive farm insurance and equine insurance programs. “The dedication of our customers inspires our staff on a daily basis,” he said. “The cus- tomers’ passion challenges us to stay ahead of the curve and offer elite level services.” Having one carrier handle all your liabilities can be a tremen- dous help if you have a claim. This avoids one insurance com- pany saying, ‘it’s their respon- sibility, not ours’ or ‘we would take it to court’ or ‘we would just settle it’, as can happen when multiple carriers are involved. As veterinary medicine continues to advance, horse mor- tality insurance offers surgical and major medical coverage for tremendous peace of mind. Various plans with multiple limits of coverage tailored to individual needs and budgets are available, and mortality insurance is now Veterinary Advances Make Equine Insurance a Must available for horses up to age 20. The higher the risk, the higher the rate: Rates for dressage horses are lowest, eventers are higher. As diagnosis and treatment protocols continue to advance, minimizing the long term effects of injury and disease, equine major medical insurance can help make difficult decisions far easier. As an independent insurance agency, Jeffers partners with a selection of established national carriers that offer quality farm insurance. They will customize an insurance portfolio to give you the protection you need to avoid the risk of losing it all. They rep- resent carriers that have a strong presence and interest in providing insurance services in the equine industry, catering to the needs of gentlemen and business farm owners and non-farm owners. Jeffers services farmers in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and New York. Jeffers Insurance Agency stands ready to protect you, your horses and your farm. Contact them at 800-304-0739 or visit jeffersinsuranceagency.com. Attention Event Organizers! Please resubmit your events through the end of the year to steph@eastcoastequestrian.net Please provide event name, location, city, state and contact information for inclusion at no cost in our calendar. (Continued on page 15)