October 2020 Issue

EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN October 2020 Page 13 By Joyce Belcher, Sustenance Herbs 2020 Toxicity accumulates in • Organs (all) • GI tract • Colon • Blood • Lymphatic • Neurological • Immune When the organs of elimina- tion become overburdened due to physical or toxic stressors, they cannot function as nature intended. We then see a myriad of disease that gets misdiagnosed. Often, Most of the Poor Health in Horses is Caused by Toxicity antibiotics or steroids are admin- istered to mask the symptomatic issue momentarily, creating more toxins for the already overburdened organs to try to process. Once the toxins are removed, the horse can efficiently absorb nu- trients with ease, creating a healthy environment for optimal health. Toxins can be small mole- cules that are capable of causing disease on contact with absorption by body tissues. They come from synthetic ingredients the body doesn’t recognize; pharmaceu- ticals, vaccines preserved with Thimerosal (49% mercury), insect repellent containing pyrethroids (neurological disruptor), commer- cial feed containing GMO ingredi- ents (glyphosate), environmental, water sources, hay with chemical sprays or mycotoxins creating Endophyte toxicity in horses. Limiting known causes of toxicity will help, also cleaning the toxins from the organs to prevent toxin overload. Bladderwrack cleanses the digestive tract, is a primary source of alginic acid that binds with heavy metals found in the intestines, renders then elimi- nates, helps bind and draw out toxins stored in the body, remov- ing the body's burden. Schisandra contains 40 lignans, enhances glutathione production in the liver, a cellular antioxidant that rids heavy metals and more. Broccoli Sprouts supports all phases of detox; activating, neutralizing, and eliminating contaminants. Dandelion (Leaf & Root) a powerhouse of essential nutrients, minerals, potassium, antioxidants for cleansing digestive tract, urinary tract, and kidneys. Calcium Bentonite performs like a magnet, absorbing and pull- ing toxins throughout the body, the intestines, stomach, and colon, a catalyst for dumping the trash. The synergy of these herbs and superfoods creates plant medicine to cleanse and balance internal health, bringing harmony to your horses' wellbeing. Every horse owner fears col- ic. For the terrible pain it puts our horses through. For the expense and the real possibility of losing our horses. For making us feel that we are virtually helpless. Equine Colic Relief is an all-natural colic remedy that works to resolve a bout of colic in as little as 90-200 minutes. One bottle does one bout of colic. Administer orally as soon as you notice colic symptoms. ECR has a taste horses “love”, so once you get it into their mouth, you rarely have any trouble getting them to swallow. ECR is completely drug free, is 100% natural, contains no banned herbs or substances, is thoroughly tested, and is complete- ly safe for all equines including lactating and/or pregnant mares, foals, minis, and breeding stallions. The ingredients are fresh extracts of Irish Sea moss and deep sea kelp, purified water, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, Calcium D, peppermint oil, glycerin, molas- ses and Sorbitol for flavoring. The formula helps dissipate gas in the bowel, assists gut rehy- dration, balances electrolytes, and softens any impacted or hardened fecal matter so the horse’s gut can move and eliminate effortlessly. Equine Colic Relief has a 14 year shelf life and is com- pletely stable in all temperatures and needs no refrigeration in the summer and no heat in the winter. The product is provided as a 4 oz. liquid and is administered orally via syringe (included) towards the back of the horse’s mouth. Easy! Be smart and call your vet immediately if you do not hear bi-lateral bowel sounds return within 30 minutes, and/or if your horse does not pass fecal matter within 200 minutes. In that case your horse probably has more than a normal bout of colic. Be prepared -- buy Equine Colic Relief online at EquineColicReliefUSA.com. We Fear Colic. Equine Colic Relief Can Help 800.510.9597 • connect@sustenanceherbs.com