October 2020 Issue
Page 12 October 2020 EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN Please resubmit your events through the end of the year to steph@eastcoastequestrian.net Please provide event name, location, city, state and contact information for inclusion at no cost in our calendar. Attention Event Organizers! Complete Equine Health Services offers Equine and Ca- nine chiropractic, acupuncture, ozone therapy, and integrative medicine. Conventional equine CEHS Provides Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Ozone Therapy medicine (including vaccina- tions) are provided on a limited basis. Nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals are also available. Dr. Carlos Jimenez has prac- ticed primarily equine medicine since 1986 after graduating from the University of Florida with a DVM degree. He has been certified by the American Veterinary Chiro- practic Association and Internation- al Veterinary Acupuncture Society since 1992 and 1993 respectively. Dr Jimenez was one of the first vet- erinarians in the USA to integrate these modalities into his equine veterinary practice and has devel- oped and refined his techniques to optimally treat and maintain everything from top international competition horses of every disci- pline to geriatric pleasure horses. Veterinary chiropractic and acupuncture are used to maxi- mize athletic performance and general health by increasing joint flexibility, balance, gait efficiency and fluidity, improving blood circulation and immune function while minimizing pain, discom- fort and stiffness. Ozone therapy is used for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and im- mune enhancing properties. Complete Equine Health Ser- vices serves clients in eastern and central Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Florida, primarily the Wellington and Ocala areas from January through March. Contact them at website completeequinehealthservice.com or phone (610) 466-0501. By Dr. Rodney Belgrave The Mid-Atlantic Equine Medical Center is proud to announce the acquisition of the most upgraded version of the Optomed dynamic endoscope. Dynamic upper respiratory collapse is a common cause of poor performance in horses. Use of this technology will allow us to more accurately diagnose disorders of the upper respiratory tract of the horse. In contrast to standard endoscopy, this system is used while the horse is being ridden or driven, giving us a di- rect look (live telemetric feed and video recording) at airway func- tion when disease is most likely to manifest itself clinically. It is an invaluable tool in planning up- per respiratory laser and surgical procedures. Conditions such as dynamic collapse of arytenoids, Dynamic Endoscopy Available at the Mid-Atlantic Equine Medical Center collapse of the aryepiglottic (AE) folds, pharyngeal collapse, and vocal cord collapse can only be observed during a dynamic respiratory endoscopic study. Dynamic respiratory endoscopy is also indicated for use in horses with exercise intolerance and poor performance. These studies can be performed at the clinic or on the farm, on sport and pleasure horses where they can be ridden and/or longed. They may also be performed on horses at the race- track or training center, where the patient can be ridden or driven, and the airway assessed under realistic training conditions. The dynamic endoscopy study may be used as a stand alone diagnostic, or can be part of a poor performance (cardio- pulmonary) evaluation package which may include lower respira- tory tract examination (endosco- py and bronchoalveolar lavage) or full cardiac examination (echocardiogram and ECG at rest and during exercise to evaluate heart rhythm under performance conditions). We are excited to have added this service to our diagnostic arsenal. Please visit our website www.midatlanticequine.com or call the clinic at 609 397 0078 for estimates and to schedule an appointment.