March/April 2025 Issue

Page 30 March/April 2025 EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN she rode on all three riding teams. After college Hilary began focus- ing on trail challenges and ranch riding, while still training her own horses. She has a small lesson and training facility and shows in trail challenges and ranch. Montie Eagle Concerns for the Older Rider (Fri., 10.05 am, Seminar Hall A) Dealing with Show Ring Nerves (Sun., 3 pm, Seminar Hall B) Montie Eagle studied classical dressage beginning in the early 1980’s before discovering western dressage through Jack Brainard in 2006. Montie teaches students from all disciplines at her Carlisle PA facility, specializing in adult beginners and adults returning to riding. Montie believes that dres- sage is for everyone and that each horse and rider can gain from work in dressage. Montie has also pub- lished a book “The Rose in Prime: ATheology of Horsemanship.” Equi-Tainment; AMusical Equine Variety Show (Thurs., 2 pm, Fri., 2 pm, Sat., 5 pm, and Sun, 2 pm, Equine Arena) Come watch this entertain- ing segment of Horse World Expo, fun for the entire family! Featured performers include drill teams, freestyle Dressage, reining, tricks, bridleless riding, mounted archery and other excit- ing displays of horsemanship! Amelia K. Evans-Brown The Farrier’s Favorite Horse (Fri., 4 pm, Round Pen Arena) The Do’s & Don’ts of Training Rescues (Sat., noon, Round Pen Arena) Born in Florida on a small family farm, Amelia purchased her first mustang mare at age 13. Graduating from high school at 16, Amelia majored in Equine Science and Zoology and minor- ing in Archaeology. In addition to training horses, teaching lessons, competing in barrel racing, cowboy shooting, and hosting clinics, she also writes for various magazines and is working on her first book. Amelia is a successful horse trainer, writer, Certified Archaeological Field Technician, and Animal Aromatherapist. See Ameila K. Evans-Brown at the Tender Touch Horse Train- ing booth, 807. Elizabeth Farina CT & Endurance 101; an Introduction to Endurance Riding (Sat., 5 pm, Seminar Hall A) Elizabeth is a USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold medalist, has a BS in Equine Science from UNH, and a decade ago became a serious competitive trail and endurance rider. Elizabeth has successfully bred, trained, and ridden many non-traditional breed horses for distance riding including Morgans, gaited breeds, quarter horses, thoroughbreds, and rescue horses. She has brought dozens of new riders into distance riding through Clarity Riding’s eight-week Intro to Distance program. Elizabeth is the chair of the USANortheast Endurance Junior/Young Rider committee and the northeast repre- sentative for the American Endur- ance Ride Conference Junior and Young Riders committee. Visit Elizabeth Farina at the Clarity Riding Morgan Horses booth B2. Molly Friend, PhD Bloodwork Basics; Understand Your Horse’s CBC Results (Sat., 4 pm, Seminar Hall B) APhD student at Pennsylvania State studying Integrative and Bio- medical Physiology with research interests in equine exercise phys- iology, Molly has BS inAnimal Science from Ohio State and an MS inAnimal Science fromMis- sissippi State. Her master’s research investigated the use of equine-as- sisted psychotherapies in substance rehabilitation facilities and its physiologic impacts on human and equine participants. Molly has shown horses in disciplines ranging from hunters to western pleasure. See Molly Friend, PhD at the Penn State Ext. Equine Program booth 608, 609. Susan Glick Positive Reinforcement Made Simple (Thurs., 12:05 pm, Round PenArena) The Power of Choice in the Horse-Human Relationship (Sat., 9:05 am, Round Pen Arena) Theatre Equus Performer (Fri. & Sat., 8:30 pm, LargeArena)-- Separate Ticket Required Raised in a Lancaster County, PAAmish community, Susan got her first pony at age 10. She now enjoys teaching lessons and clinics at her barn in Paradise, PAas well as other barns in the area. Together, she and her mare Sundance have performed at a number of events and shows including the Interna- tional Liberty HorseAssociation. Susan, who was introduced to lib- erty work at Horse World Expo as a child, trains with a focus on connec- tion and “quiet horsemanship” and (Continued from page 28) (Continued on page 32)