March/April 2025 Issue

Page 24 March/April 2025 EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN years. She helped create the Ameri- can Driving Society’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Recreational Driving Weekend (MARD) at Fair Hill, MD. She is chair of the ADS Plea- sure Driving Committee, a member of the Education, Driven Dressage and Safety Committees, Vice President of the ADS and recipient of the ADS President’s Award. Dana has earned the Bronze, Silver and Gold ADS Driven Dressage Medals. Dana has held Combined Driving, Driven Dressage and Pleasure Driving licenses with the ADS since 1997 and has judged and been the technical delegate for pleasure competitions in every ADS region, and in Canada. Visit Dana Bright at the Amer- ican Driving Society booth 512. Michael Canfield Trainability; Evaluating a Horse Before Purchase (Thurs., 1 pm, Round Pen Arena) Increasing Profitability in Horse Businesses (Thurs., 6 pm, Seminar Hall A) Transitioning to Bitless Using the Bosal (Fri., 2 pm, Round Pen Arena) Better CommunicationWith C.P.R; Clarity, Patience, Reward (Sat., 4 pm, Round Pen Arena) Collaborative Groundwork; Enriching the Connection (Sun., 10 am, Round Pen Arena) Enhancing Your Ride & Performance; the Four "C's" (Sun., 3 pm, Equine Arena) Founder of Lucky Star Horse- manship, Michael developed “Co- operative Horsemanship” working with rescue and “second chance” horses. He developed and co-pro- duced the annual “Equus Fest East” and served as the Director of Equine Programing/Marketing and Business Development for guest ranches, where he developed and branded the “Cowboy Horse- manship Program.” Michael is de- veloping Clinic/Lesson Programs, Horse Training Programs and Staff Training Programs as Marketing/ Business Development planning. See Michael Canfield at the Lucky Star Horsemanship booth 410. Jason Charles Getting Started in Reining (Thurs., 12:05 pm, Large Arena) Improve Your Trail Obstacle Score; From the Judge’s Eye (Sat., 11 am, Equine Arena) Jason Charles owns and operates a horse training facility in Dillsburg, PA. He trains and coaches for reining, ranch, and trail competitions. Jason has been expertly implementing the Trail Challenge at the Horse World Expo for the last 5 years. His accom- plishments include Congress Open Level 1 futurity top ten, NRHA top ten, Mustang Makeover Champion and Equine Affaire Versatile Horse & Rider Champion. Visit jason- for more information. (Continued from page 22) (Continued on page 25)