June 2020 Issue
Page 22 June 2020 EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN Fresh, clean water is essen- tial to equine health. Horses can be finicky drinkers, and Miraco Livestock Waterers has a solution for that. Miraco Waterers have a patented, unique ball system that keeps water from freezing to –40ºC and a cooling effect for the summer months. Temperate wa- ter is palatable water. The water- ers are automatic and energy free, so your horses will always have fresh, palatable water at hand. Cornell Enterprises of Mar- athon, NY has been in business for 24 years, serving New York and Pennsylvania with quality products from Miraco Livestock Waterers like Mirafount, Big- Spring, LilSpring and Equifount. Miraco is the founding devel- oper of their revolutionary patented livestock watering system. After many years of research, Miraco Water on Demand–Always–With Energy Free Miraco Waterers perfected an energy-free livestock watering system, pioneering the use of polyethylene materials. Miraco waterers use heat tubes -- highly insulated tubes that shield incoming ground water from cold as it passes through the frost level. Polyeth- ylene construction ensures years of trouble-free use. One 30-inch tube and 3 feet of 12-inch drain- age tile provides a sufficient heat well in most locations. Miraco waterers feature stainless steel anchor bolts, 150 psi hookup hoses, a shut-off valve to control the supply line, smart design easy-off access doors, and an extra-thick, heavy insulated tank, for products that last longer and work better. Cornell Enterprise employees are committed to quality service. Contact them at (607) 423-3587 or visit www.miraco.com . With our Annual Special Feature on Trailers & Transport To advertise please contact: Phyllis or Debbie at (717) 509-9800 Don't Miss the July 2020 Issue Advertising Deadline: June 12 www.eastcoastequestrian.net