June 2020 Issue
EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN June 2020 Page 21 Looking for a new run-in shed or equipment shed for your pastured horses or tractors? Pre- cise Buildings builds permanent, site-built sheds for many varied types of applications, including renovations and adding on to existing buildings. Factory-built and truck-shipped sheds are an economical way to put up a run-in, but what happens when you need one larger than can be shipped by truck? That’s when it’s time to call Precise. Slightly more expensive than a “drop shed,” permanent site-built sheds offer two distinct advantages. Firstly, they can be custom designed to fit a specific location or a larger size needed, including “L” shaped sheds, or ones that are taller or wider than can be shipped. Secondly, they offer better protection and stability in even the worst kinds of weather. With our Annual Special Feature on Trailers & Transport To advertise please contact: Phyllis or Debbie at (717) 509-9800 Don't Miss the July 2020 Issue Advertising Deadline: June 12 www.eastcoastequestrian.net Precisely What You Want in a Shed with Precise Buildings Horses are able to stay turned out with the safety and protection of a structure. This allows for long-term turnout, easier feeding of pastured horses, and better management of hay and other feed resources. The ability to customize the project is almost always the reason Precise is called to site-build this type of structure. Precise is never too busy to take on a project when a client needs a custom shed. Precise designs them for each individual based on their needs, the animals’ needs, or the size of equipment that will be housed in the buildings. Custom sheds can also be built to match any building on the property—not just in color, but also in materials and design. For more information, to visit the photo gallery, or to request a quote, visit www.precisebuildings. com or call (717) 768-3200.