December 2020/January 2021 Issue

Page 8 December 2020/January 2021 EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN By Alicia Stephens Martin In 2017, a new association called East Coast Ranch Riding Association, or ECRRA, proved itself to meet the needs of eques- trians and the growing popular discipline of Ranch Riding in a struggling industry. The asso- ciation spread from its simple beginning in three states; in just three years it progressed to three regions which included over a dozen states, even hosting the first ever Regional Championship in conjunction with the Keystone International Livestock Exposi- tion, KILE, at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in the fall of 2019. At the onset of 2020, the founders of ECRRA were anticipating their best year. As members and entries grew beyond expectations, their goal of enhancing riders from any level proved to be a viable desire that needed fulfilled. But a storm was brewing which was about to The top money earner in the East Coast Ranch Riding Association’s year of virtual showing was Ian McBride and EF Southern Belle, owned by JJ Martin. The virtual format enabled critiques for riders, the chance to compare theirs to others’ rides and better judges. Virtual Showing Earns a Blue Ribbon During COVID affect every tributary and crevice on the globe…COVID-19. From March until June of 2020, the horse show world slid to a devastating halt. Terry Helder and his wife Peg have owned and managed Evergreen Farms since 1986 and struggled like many businesses, especially the horse industry, to survive during the pandemic. Peg, one of the four founders of ECRRA, brainstormed for ideas to maintain what they built as a success and to continue helping equestrians follow their dreams. In typical entrepreneur fashion, Peg became enthusiastic about Charlie Cole’s The Virtual Horse Show approach. Although the virtual show idea was not new to the industry, Charlie Cole, a renowned trainer and horseman, had incredible success. Following that virtual trail, Peg suggested this would be a terrific way to continue the momentum of ECCRA. Peg discussed with horsewoman Bonnie Miller, an International judge and one of the 2020 AQHA World Show judges, the success of Cole’s unique virtual showing which has over 21,000 members. After positive vibes, she present- ed her thoughts to Terry and the other founders, Chad and Gina Moshier. Terry, however, was re- luctant as he couldn’t connect to virtual. “It just did not feel real.” But Peg insisted that horse lovers could still have enthusi- asm for showing during these devastating times. This would continue the ECRRA forum of allowing everyone to show with or without trainers and educate every rider to be a better eques- trian no matter their ability. Chad, the owner of Moshier Pleasure Horses, and his wife Gina are the talented techies behind the organization. Gina agreed with Peg saying, “This would be a welcomed distrac- tion to pick people up.” With the theme of creating a fun and meaningful environment, Gina devised a format for ECRRA. She designed and reorganized some classes; for example, Ranch Pleasure which is normally per- formed as a group, was curtailed as an individual run with the rider receiving a personal score. “At first, it was very scary,” Gina remarked. “Would we even have 10 entries?” Lives had changed drastically during the pandemic. People were suffering from a lack of jobs and wages. Some had to move horses home because they couldn’t afford board, let alone trainers. And then there were actual show hurdles, some as simple as how to replace trophies, physical prizes, or ribbons. Others were not as simple to solve, like camera requirements, filming quality, and providing a place to sign up, view runs and information. Many questions loomed. How- ever, by June 5, the first virtual show opened the gates with new experimental rules. While some New England organizations found the courage to physically show on location, the Central Pennsylvania region did not, hence the first virtual show of trials and errors emerged. However, Gina said that after the first virtual show, the rest went smoothly. In fact, virtual showing actually had many pluses once they developed the perfect plan for proper procedure. First, each virtual show extended over two weekends. So, if the show opened on June 5 for example, the patterns would become available for viewing on the first day and the entire weekend June 6 and 7 until the following weekend of June 13 and 14. The show would close at 7pm on the 15th. While the two weekends do extend out the work for the managing committee, the rider benefits and can enter and show even if away or working. This allows for more flexibility and is amenable to everyone’s lifestyles. (Continued on page 10)