April 2022 Issue

EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN April 2022 Page 13 Complete Equine Health Service offers Equine and Canine chiropractic, acupuncture, ozone therapy, and integrative medicine as well as equine reproductive services. Conventional equine medicine (including vaccinations) is provided on a limited basis as well as nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals. Dr. Carlos Jimenez has prac- ticed primarily equine medicine since 1986 after graduating from the University of Florida with a DVM degree. He has been certi- fied by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association and In- ternational Veterinary Acupunc- ture Society since 1992 and 1993 respectively. Dr. Jimenez was one of the first veterinarians in the USA to integrate these modalities into his equine veterinary practice and has developed and refined his techniques to optimally treat and maintain everything from top international competition horses Carlos Jimenez, DVM Provides Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Equine Reproductive Services of every discipline to geriatric pleasure horses. Veterinary chiropractic and acupuncture are used to maxi- mize athletic performance and general health by increasing joint flexibility, balance, gait efficiency and fluidity, improving blood circulation and immune function while minimizing pain, discom- fort and stiffness. Ozone therapy is used for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and immune enhancing properties. Dr. Jimenez is also very skilled in equine reproduction with both fresh and frozen semen. Complete Equine Health Ser- vice serves clients in eastern and central Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Florida (primarily Wellington and Ocala areas) from January through March. Contact them at www. CompleteEquineHealthService. com, email CEHSOffice@aol. com, or phone (610) 466-0501. Hemp for Horses specializ- es in CBD for horses delivered in easy to measure, easy to feed pellets, powders and chews that are economical and the highest quality. Always third party tested for poten- cy, Hemp for Horses allows you to give your horse exactly the amount needed on any given day. Products are made on the farm from start to finish, always in small batches. Quality comes first. Hemp for Horses CBD could help your horse deal with anxiety and may have a calming effect during times of environmental stress. CBD also can help your horse have a healthy response to inflammation, support lung function and joint health. “Hemp for Horses began on our farm with our own lesson horses. We have a riding program that serves autistic and at-risk kids,” said owner Renee Van- denberg. “Many times, older horses with lots of life experience Older Horses Need Hemp for Horses are the best for these riders, but often need support in their golden years. Our family farms 200 acres and we have been Certified Organic since 2009. As well as standard commodities, I grow hemp, the plant that CBD is de- rived from. The two loves of my life-Farming and Horses- came together in Hemp for Horses.” Hemp for Horses is flexible so you can administer the exact amount needed, which depends on what you are trying to ac- complish. With two strengths of pellets, two strengths of powders and chews, you can give just the right amount. Some horses do best when given CBD every day, some only need it occasionally, and others do best daily with a little extra on those stressful days. All sales support horse rescues and veterans’ riding programs. For more information phone (920) 334-6773 or visit hempforhorses.com .