April 2020 Issue

EAST COAST EQUESTRIAN April 2020 Page 15 By Nicole Sicely, Custom Equine Nutrition, LLC Vermont Blend Forage Bal- ancer & Hoof Supplement has been specifically formulated to balance East Coast forage. Our forage is typically deficient in the following nutrients: Magnesium, sodium, copper, zinc, iodine and selenium. Long term nutrient deficiencies can result in subclinical symptoms such as poor hoof quality, dull fading coat, compromised immune system, exercise intolerance, etc. In addition, excess iron in for- age can interfere with the absorp- tion of other trace minerals that are already deficient (zinc & cop- per). Average grass hay has twice as much iron than recommended by the National Research Council (NRC) daily requirements. Vermont Blend Forage Balancer and Hoof Supplement In addition to providing the minerals your horse needs, it also provides Amino Acids. These are the building blocks of protein. Essential amino acids need to be supplied by the diet, horses can’t produce them on their own. If a horse doesn’t have enough of an essential amino acid, it can’t uti- lize any of the remaining amino acids present in its diet. Common signs of deficiency are lack of topline and hay belly. Vermont Blend provides the top three limited amino acids. Lastly, Vermont Blend pro- vides Prebiotic for digestive sup- port. It contains no added iron or in-active ingredients. Only the nutrients your horse needs. The following is a break- down on how each nutrient will benefit your equine partner: Hoof Health: Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Zinc, Copper, Biotin Vibrant Coat (resists sun bleaching): Copper, Zinc, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine Improved Topline: Lysine, Methionine, Threonine Digestive Support: Diamond V Yeast Increase Immune/Reduce Stress: Magnesium, Selenium, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Diamond V Yeast Low Sugar and Starch: Safe for horses with metabolic concerns such as Insulin Resistance, Equine Metabolic Syndrome, and Cushings Disease. For more information visit: www.CustomEquineNutrition.com. FREE listing for your events! Submit event name, location, city, state and contact info to steph@eastcoastequestrian.net by the 10th of the month preceding publication. The news East Coast horse owners need to know